Tag Archives: Game Jam

Night At The Park – Game Jam Project

Night At The Park was a team project I worked on during one of Edinburgh University’s Game Development Society Game Jam’s. My team consisted of myself, an artist and my friend Sangseo Lee.

The Game Jam began with a theme which was Shadows. Games were required to include that theme in some manner.

My role on this project was as a designer. In addition to spearheading the game play and mechanics design, I hand crafted the following two levels using the Tiled map editor with assets our artist made, as well as free resources on the net.

Level 1

Continue reading Night At The Park – Game Jam Project

Game Development Society

Game Development Society is an official society at the University of Edinburgh that I help found with two good friends of mine, Nick La Rooy and Richard Cassidy.

Sadly now that I’ve graduated from the University of Edinburgh I’m no longer part of the committee, but I’m happy to say its been left in very capable hands. If your interested in game development then I highly encourage you to get in touch with them through either their website or email (gamedevsoc@gmail.com), as well as subscribe to their mailing list.

By the way they have an upcoming Game Jam sometime next week  (details are at the bottom of the page) so if your in Edinburgh around then go check it out!


Hi all,

First off, welcome to all our new members, great to have you with us. This is just a quick reminder of our first (and main) event this Semester, which I’m sure Scott or Paul mentioned at the Freshers’ Fair – our 1st Semester GameJam.

So, what is a GameJam? Basically, you spend a weekend rapidly producing a short game, based on a given theme (revealed on the day). All the games are then judged by the community with a prize for the winner! The event is open to students and non-students alike, regardless of skill level, and free for members or just £3 otherwise. Turn up in a team of up to four, or on your own and we will organise teams on the day. Programmers, artists, sound designers, writers etc. are all welcome (and appreciated!).

It will be in the The Pentland Room at the Pleasance Student Union on the 21st and 22nd of September, starting at 11:00 – that’s this weekend. We have the room booked till 23:00 on the Saturday, and it will reopen at 12:00 on the Sunday. The games will need to be complete and playable (on your machine only) by 21:00 on Sunday for the judging. You will need to bring your own PC, contact us if this is a problem. Once again there will be an exciting new theme, and a fabulous cash prize.

Regarding rules, you can use any language, framework or program you like, provided you are not simply completing an existing game. We encourage everyone to judge based on the game, not the tools used to make it. As an aside, we will also be there to help novices if they choose to use GameMaker. If this is you, we recommend doing the “Your First Game” tutorial here so you’re ready to go as soon as you arrive.

As usual, if you’ve any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us.




Thrillseeker – Game Jam Project

Thrillseeker is a game jam submission on the theme “You Are Your Own Worst Enemy” designed and created by my friend Sangseo Lee and I. The core mechanic of the game is that whilst flying close to passing asteroids gives you a higher score, doing so greatly increases your chance of crashing. It’s like Burnout in that the player is rewarded for high risk game play.

In-Game Screenshot

To play it, download this zip file and run the executable inside (it’s a GameMaker exe file)!

Immunity – Game Jam Project


White blood cells play a vital role for our health, without them we’d be easy pickings to the likes of even the common cold. Play a moment in the life of a white blood cell and battle against an ever growing hordes of viruses and protect the red blood cells to keep your heart beating. Even better, do it with a friend! Happy hunting!

Immunity is a coop game that I worked on with Sangseo Lee, for the Global Game Jam 2013 at Edinburgh. It took second place in the local competition and was noted by the judges for best design. At the moment it’s written in Java using the Slick framework and can run on Windows, Linux, Mac and Solaris. Check it out at the Global Game Jam website here!