Tiny – Week 4

Week four was spent further fleshing out our two prototypes for our 1/4s presentation.

Design decisions made at the start of the week were:

  • Making each monster advance towards you each turn in order to provide more interesting angle challenges
  • Adopting a Pirate theme for our Crayon King prototype because the fantasy of being pirate and destroying and looting fit our demographic better than a king ruling subjects

By the end of the week we presented the two paper prototypes to our supervisors. They suggested focusing on them, and make them more visually appealing.

Fancying it Up

In order to improve the prototypes visuals we first adapted the Abstract Ball Glue prototype into Alpaca Toss (alpacas somehow often turn up in our brainstorming process!). The aim was to make it more appealing to both genders as well as root it in something more realistic rather than the current abstract idea.

Armed with these ideas our artists spent the weekend doing just that with the following results.

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In addition our lead programmer developed digital prototypes with two interfaces. One prototype used the gyroscope and the other with slider we tried different ux methods for game.

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