Steams recent winter sale had Final Fantasy 9 on discount. I saw it as a great opportunity to revisit a beloved franchise. The following are ‘designery’ thoughts from the first several hours of play:

- FF9 starts you off in a dark room where it easy to focus on your player and understand movement. It then lights up the wider environment.
- Narrative reinforcement – One moment where the player must select the princesses name whilst going over the kidnapping plan.

- Level Exploration – In the scene below your character enters the scene from the bottom of the screen. Once you have control of the character the world fulfills the expectation of continuity by providing an area that’s the opposite way the player is encouraged to go (using the crowd who moves forward).

Lots of and easy to find initial pick ups from environment to quickly establish and encourage exploring the environment for rewards.
- Storytelling Moments – Initial area showcases poverty/class differences through characters in the scene.
- Lots of encouragement to explore through cutscenes. For example Steiner locked in room and the cutscene shows you are treasure chest which encourages you to go there.

- Love the variation of activities right from the start such as finding the knights of pluto, and a scene of quick time events of sword fighting.