The following is a level design exercise where I made a level pitch for a sequence in The Last of Us.
Beat 1 – Linear Narrative
Beat 1 Top Down

Beat 1 – Sequence
Overview: Joel and Ellie traverse through a hotel towards their objective, a bank where Tommy is being held.
- Party drops down from a hole in the wall into the hotel storage room.

- In front of them is a pool of dried blood and something written on the wall which can’t be made out.
- Dev note: Visual storytelling elements to heighten tension.
- Who died?
- Am I in danger?
- Dev note: Visual storytelling elements to heighten tension.

- Turning the party catches a glimpse of the bank. Their goal.
- Dev note: Use of a weenie.

- Completing their left turn before them is a T-junction.
- Dev note: Option to explore.

- Turning left the party sees the rest of the storeroom and find supplies on the shelves.
- Dev note: Items are 1 duct tape, 1 blade and 1 part.

- Turning 180 degrees the party sees an elevator opposite them.
- Dev note: Blood is continued tension breadcrumb.

- Approaching they see the elevator is tightly sealed leaving them with no option but to take the blood stained path to the right.

- The party proceeds down the partially collapsed hallway.