Tag Archives: Carnegie Mellon

Improvisational Acting – Improvised Portraits

During our first session of Improvisational Acting at Carnegie Mellon’s Entertainment Technology Center one of our tasks was to work together with a partner. The task was to create improvised portraits, and name them.

The rules to create these portraits was simple. Each person was given a different colored pen, and was allowed to make single strokes one after another. Any hesitation resulted in having to stop drawing, and choose a name. The name was created by taking turns writing a single letter.

The following is what Charlie and I created.

Improvised Portraits

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We very much enjoyed making these memorable characters! Try out this exercise yourself sometime, its loads of fun!

To The Entertainment Technology Center

Over the past several months I’ve been busy applying to Masters programs in The United States of America. Pondering ones fate whilst waiting is at times nerve wracking, but the wait has been worth it. I am happy to say that awhile back I was admitted to The Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon!


After some serious consideration I believe that a practical focus on game design is exactly what I need. Therefore I intend to attend Carnegie Mellon for a two year Masters program come Fall 2016!


So fingers crossed! By August I hope to be doing a Masters in Entertainment Technology at The Entertainment Technology Center in Pittsburgh!