Introduction: Over the summer of 2017 I interned at DICE LA, a studio of Electronic Arts. My time was spent working with DICE LA to ship the downloadable content In the Name of The Tsar for Battlefield 1.
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 | Time: 12 weeks | Role: Game Designer | Team Size: ~90
Design Goal:
- Deliver high quality level content through iteration.
- Develop my ability to analyze and critique level design in a professional environment.
- Practice supporting the efforts and vision of senior designers on the team.
My Contributions:
- Bolstered Battlefield 1’s DLC content with map analysis. This took the form of:
- Collecting, processing, and documenting Battlefield 1 level data for use by senior level designers.
- Offering map feedback on flow, map features, cover, spawn placement, and play space volumes.
- Used Frostbite’s visual scripting language to implement:
- Content bug fixes from JIRA tickets.
- Then iterate based on feedback of game modes such as Supply Drop, Team Death Match, War Pigeons, and Domination for multiple levels in the DLC pack.
- Created exploratory paper maps for Battlefield 1’s Apocalypse DLC.
Somme – Conquest Paper Map V1 Somme – Conquest Paper Map V2