Macadamia Shortbread with Lemon Sorbet, Strawberries and Syrup


This creation has three parts:

My friend Abdul Aziz and I first started with the Lemon Ice Cream the night before.

Lemon Ice Cream
Lemon Ice Cream Pre-Serving

We slightly deviated from the reciepe by stopping heating when the mixture had become silky smooth rather than a custard texture, the result; an ice cream with a similar consistency as a thick sorbet.

The next day we prepared the shortbread, preparing it an hour before we baked it. We made a small addition to the reciepe by adding about 100g more of butter to the shortbread mix.

Pre-Oven Shortbread
Pre-Oven Shortbread

Leaving it in the oven for about 25 mins, we prepared the strawberries and syrup while we waited. To make the syrup red, instead of dipping the strawberries in the syrup mixture to glaze them, we put the strawberries back in the saucepan and heated the sauce pan for a few minitues.

Strawberries and Syrup
Strawberries and Syrup

Plating was done first with a slice of the shortbread, then a slice of the lemon ice-cream with the syrup poured round it and strawberries for a decorative touch.

The result.



So what do you think? Please let me know in the comments below!

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