White Water Rafting – Pittsburgh

Have you ever gone white water rafting? With a lottery, a little yellow ticket, and the efforts of Carnegie Mellon Universities Graduate Student Assembly, I have.


So on a dreary Sunday morning we set off for the main university campus, got on a bus, and traveled to the lower Youghiogheny River.


When we finally arrived, we were dropped off at the outdoor office of our guides, The Laurel Highlands River Tours (imagine the following picture but grey and rainy).


On confirming our reservation we promptly collected our gear, ran through various vitally important safety measures, then began rafting. The experience required working together with ones raft cohabitants, and though we ‘frequently’ faced trials and tribulations, we always pulled through in the end.


As the day progressed the weather luckily cleared up giving us a bright sunny day to enjoy. To add to our lifted spirits, we were treated to a hearty river side lunch of sandwiches, fruits and cookies. On finishing our lunch we began our final leg of rafting, and once rafting was complete, took the bus home.


With our aquatic adventure complete we returned back to Pittsburgh exhausted, sore armed, and looking forward to a good nights rest! Most importantly though we got off that bus smiling (at least I did!).

white_water_rafting_returnThanks to CMU’s GSA for arranging this event. I look forward to next years White Water Rafting trip!

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