Whilst at The South Asian Students Association (SASA) at The University of Edinburgh, we were tasked with the creation of a new logo for the society. Below was the first design drawn by Anakral Frakenburger Bulhan.

At this point the committee felt that the logo needed to incorporate what we represented, the South Asian Sub-Continent, into the logo.

Here’s the second design that was the result of work I did Gimp (a great free editor tool).

From the first design I:
- Enhanced both the SASA and sub-continent images, removing lines page and other items from the pictures.
- Combined both pictures, by adjusting the A and re-sizing each to equal sizes.
- Accentuated the line under SASA to make it somewhat resemble a pen.
- Including the societies full title in a suitable font and position.
At this point the committee had a few pieces of feedback about the second design.
- They wanted more color on the logo.
- They wanted a different font and positioning for the full title of the society.
- They felt the line of the sub-continent should remain unbroken.
The following is a design that I, with my fathers invaluable advice, put together taking the committees feedback into consideration. A design I believe remains the best of the alternatives.

The new design solved points one and three, but not two. The committee also wanted to see it in different colors. So after some shopping around for fonts we found something more suitable, and I played around with the position and tried some different colors until we settled on the following variations.
At this point the committee decided they liked the look of the purple continent, and wanted a different design incorporating that. The changes were made accordingly. Here is the final product.