Selling A Tornado – Edinburgh University Project

A couple of years back whilst at Edinburgh University, I had the fortunate opportunity to take a course called Informatics Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketplace taught by Dr Adam J Bock. I enjoyed the course so much I thought I’d give one aspect of it a special mention, the group project.

As part of the course, groups of students we were required to analyze an opportunity. My group which was myself, Anton Caius Gurgu and Marat Subkhankulov, decided to base our opportunity on Anton’s coursework project, which was creating a programmable tornado.

We looked at whether Edinburgh nightclubs would be interested in buying/renting this product (opportunity description). The most memorable part of our assignment was producing a promotional video for this product.

As a team of solely Computer Science students we hadn’t had much practice in film making. We went about creating this video by brainstorming, planning, considering video elements and scenes, and writing up a script (details). The result was in my opinion a decent job. Here is the video in all its cheesy goofy goodness!

I think it turned out well.

A big thanks to Dr Bock for his course. It was one of my most memorable while at Edinburgh.

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