Two Great Books on Game Design

If you interested in learning more about game design, here are two great books you should definitely check out.

A Theory of Fun

Written by Raph Koster, A Theory of Fun Given was a great gift from a friend. It’s exactly what it says it is ‘A Theory’ about Fun. After reading it I’d describe it as actually quite light reading; a short and colorful book filled with plenty of pictures that’s well worth a read for those new to game design.


Art of Game Design a Book of Lenses

Written by Jesse Schell, The Art of Game Design is a comprehensive look into exactly that The Art of Game Design (it’s a good sign a book does what it says). I’m actually reading it at the moment, and so far it’s a joy particularly because of the authors writing style. The book is giving me an holistic look  into game design that’s changing my perception of how I look at everything surround games. Another book well worth your time.


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